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What to Do With All Your Shirts?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Duke chapter.

There is nothing that Duke students like more than free t-shirts (except maybe the LoYo truck). I know that all of you have piles of them from Old Duke, career fairs, sporting events, and whatever other events the school bribes people into attending. T-shirts are great and all, but you can only wear so many a week and still feel like you’re putting forth some effort to look presentable. Lately, I have become a professional t-shirt modifier (you can ask my roommate if you don’t believe me) and have made it my goal to reinvent as many of my shirts as possible. The more unique the design is, the more I’m into it. Here are a few of my best ideas: 

My personal favorite – The Diamond Back

This one has potential to look really sexy, but also to go really wrong so be careful. Trust me, I learned the hard way. It’s very important to make the strips thick enough. If you don’t, the weight of the t-shirt will cause the whole thing to fall apart, and believe me,nothing is more awkward than having your friend re-tie your shirt on at a party. To do this, first draw a diamond in the middle of the shirt. Then, cut out the neck and cut out a v in the back from where the neck meets the sleeves to the top of the diamond. From there, move over about an inch and cut to the diamond outline again. Repeat this all the way around the shirt.  

The Dressed Up Tank
The picture for this one is pretty self-explanatory. Cut out the neck, cut off the sleeves, and then cut out the bottom so that the tank looks however you want it to. Then take the straps in the back and tie a ribbon around them to hold it together and you’ve got a cute racerback.


The Fringe Shirt
This is the easiest of all easy fixes.  I have seen these all over campus lately! All you do is cut the bottom into fringe. You can add beads to it and then knot it at the bottom, turn it into a crop top, cut the neck out… The list goes on and on. Go nuts! It will look cute regardless.
These are just a few ideas, but there are tons of other ones out there. Feel free to steal these or make up your own! I’m sure you have plenty of shirts to spare so don’t be afraid to experiment. Happy crafting!

Betty Liu is a senior at Duke University where she is majoring in Biomedical Engineering.  Although her main interests lie in bioengineering, she loves keeping up with the latest trends on Duke's campus. Also, she enjoys learning about new music, reading and travelling around the world. One of her life dreams is to go to all seven continents! So far, she has been to four.