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President and Vice President of Go Change Move, Kate Angermeier and Jayne Ulrich

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.


Name: Kate Angermeier
Class: Senior
Major: Rehabilitation and Human Services, Occupational Therapy concentration
Hometown: Ambler, Pa.

Name: Jayne Ulrich
Class: Senior
Major: Environmental Resource Management, focusing in Water Science
Hometown: Kingston, N.Y.

HC: What is the mission of Go Change Move?

Kate: The mission of Go Change Move is to enable our members to spread love and inspiration throughout the PSU campus and State College community by engaging in activities such as Operation Beautiful, Dreamboards, Adopt-a-Platoon, nursing home visits, etc.

HC: What is your role in Go Change Move?

Kate: I serve as President of Go Change Move, but work closely with all members to ensure that their visions and plans for the club are also met, so that everyone is able to contribute to making campus a better place.

Jayne: I serve as the Vice President of Go Change Move. Even though Kate and I have official titles, we make sure to work with, and interact with all members of the club equally. The student members are the ones who ultimately make the campus a healthier, happier environment.

HC: What do you enjoy most about Go Change Move?

Kate: My favorite part about Go Change Move is the fact that everything we do is done out of genuine love for the community and in hopes that we put a smile on someoneā€™s face. We have an incredible group of members and itā€™s so much fun to see our thoughts and actions really make someone elseā€™s day!

Jayne: The thing I enjoy most about Go Change Move is the happiness that it spreads throughout the Penn State community. Everyone has something to be happy for and all Go Change Move members try to remind him or her of that ā€˜somethingā€™ each and every day.

HC: What was your favorite activity that you have done within the group?

Kate: Thatā€™s a tough choice. I think any activity where we as a group get to bond and also get to see the immediate effects of our actions is my favorite. From handing out snacks in the library to late-night study groups and surprising them, Thank you cards to the bus drivers, or sticking inspirational notes all over campus buildings and seeing people tweet at us with a positive response, all of our activities are inspiring and have different effects on people so itā€™s hard to pick just one.

Jayne: I would have to agree with Kate. Itā€™s a very tough choice, but I would have to say that the Dream Board was my favorite activity so far this year. The Dream Board was inspired from a TED talk. The Dream Board activity encouraged strangers to come up to the chalkboard and share what they would like to do before they die. It was a great way to get to know the Penn State students. I heard so many inspirational stories that I will remember forever. Hopefully Go Change Move grows enough in the future to actually help a few students reach their lifelong goal!

HC: Whatā€™s the most random act of kindness a Penn State student has done for you?

Kate: I actually feel very blessed to the fact that I canā€™t pinpoint that exactly, because I feel as though I experience lots of random acts of kindness on a daily basis in the little ways, like people holding the door for me, lending me a pen in class, some alumni dropping off hot chocolate during a canning weekend, or friends texting me when they know Iā€™m having a rough day. Itā€™s definitely all about the little things, they make a big difference!

Jayne: So many people make me smile on a daily basis, so that is a very hard question! Itā€™s not unusual, but one random act of kindness sticks out to me. I was walking to the Forest Resources Building and not many people were around. I was about 20 steps away from the door when I looked up and saw a student standing there waiting with the door wide open. Itā€™s such a simple gesture but it made me realize that this life is so short. He could have rushed to class but he didnā€™t, he waited with a big smile on his face.

HC: How did you first get involved with Go Change Move and how can other students do the same?

Kate: I first got involved because a member of my THON committee started it last year, and invited us to join her for a meeting. Ever since then, Go Change Move has been an awesome part of my Monday nights, and it can be part of yours too. Come check us out at 7 p.m. in 127 Henderson Bldg on Monday nights, weā€™d love to have you!

Jayne: One of my friends mentioned the club to me. We encourage the members of Go Change Move to spread the word and recommend the club to their friends. Word of mouth is a powerful thing! Students can get involved by attending weekly meetings, joining the group on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or visiting our website to learn more.

HC: Are you involved in any other organizations on campus?

Kate: Yes! Iā€™m also a Finance Captain for THON 2013, and am a part of the Special Interest org H.E.A.L (Help Every Angel Live) and plan to participate in Relay for Life again this year.

Jayne: Yes! I am also a member of H.E.A.L. (Helping Every Angel Live) and Axis.

Senior at Penn State, involved in PR/Marketing for VALLEY Magazine and writer for Her Campus Penn State. Interned under Global Procurement for Bristol-Myers Squibb and intern under Customer Relations for Penn State Athletics.
Maddie is a junior at Penn State pursuing a major in Public Relations with a minor in Business. She is from Timonium, MD. She loves all things pop culture and hopes to pursue a career in the entertainment industry.