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Weekly Workout: Full Body Workout

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.


Who’s ready for an awesome full body workout? This one’s tough, but it’s a good one! It’ll help you get stronger and get your heart rate high, so give it your all!


  • Lunge Hop à Lunge back with your left foot and touch the ground with your left hand. When you stand back up, jump as you bring your left leg towards your chest. Then, go directly back into a lunge repeating the move. Repeat 10x left leg, switch legs
  • 8 count push-up à On your knees or feet in push-up position, do a regular push-up but take a slow 8 counts going down, and 8 count back up. Aim for 10x
  • Wall Sit à “Sit” against the wall, knees over ankles, and legs at 90 degrees. Hold for 30 seconds (keep your hands off your knees! Ideally put them behind your head), then march in place 20x, staying in the same position, and end with a 10 second hold.
  • Plank Leg Lifts à Get in plank position on either your hands or forearms. Keeping body in a straight line (butt down!), lift your left leg straight up with your heel lifting towards the ceiling. Squeeze your booty with the lift. Repeat this 30x on left leg, trying to keep from resting foot on the floor, then repeat on right.
  • Squat Jumps à You guys know this one! But this time instead of jumping straight up and down, you’re going to do a 180 turn when you jump. Keep jumping back and forth. Aim for 45 seconds.   
  • Froggers à Get in plank position on hands. Now, jump your legs in, feet landing outside of hands in squat position. Jump back into plank position. Repeat this for 30 seconds.
  • One Legged Jumps à This one is what it sounds like. Standing on one leg, jump up and down, focusing on using your calf. Do 20 jumps on each leg.
  • Plank Hold à Either on hands or forearms, keep body straight, shoulders relaxed, butt down. Hold for 60 seconds.


Aim for 3 rounds, but if you only have time for 1 that’s better than none. 


Now go kick ass! 

Katie McDonough is a freshman at the University of Wisconsin- Madison and is currently undecided about her major. She's a fitness junkie from downtown Chicago who spends much of her time reading blogs. She is a soon to be brother of the service fraternity Alpha Phi Omega and is studying to become an ACE personal trainer and/or group fitness instructor. Some of her favorite things include TurboKick, dancing, pizza, her golden retriever Buddy, reading blogs, and watching trashy tv with her roomie!