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Meet Cristine Graff

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

Full name?
“Cristine Marie Graff”


What is your major? Minor?
“My major is Health Science, but I don’t have a minor.”

What do you hope to do with your degree?
“I would like to use it to get into a Physical Therapy program.”

What are you passionate about?
“I’m passionate about women’s rights, reading, cooking, movies, and video games.”

Where are you from?
“Philadelphia, PA”

What is your biggest dream?
“To work as a DPT (Doctor of Physical Therapy) for a highly accredited hospital or clinic.”

What is your main goal at the moment?
“To finish school with good grades.”

Where do you want to live after graduation?
“I’m not sure yet, but I know I won’t stay in Florida”

Have you had any internships?
“No, no internships yet.”

What is your favorite quote?
“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.” -Ghandi

What is your biggest pet peeve?
“I’d have to say rude drivers.”

What piece of advice would you give to a first year student?
“Stay motivated, and don’t slack off!”

What is your favorite thing about USF?
“It’s a big campus, but still small enough for anyone to walk to where they need to be.”

Kelsey Howard is a senior at the University of South Florida. She is majoring in mass communications with a concentration in magazine and a minor in American Sign Language. Kelsey is currently on the Editorial Team for Her Campus USF, is a blogger for Rent the Runway and a news writing intern for USF College of Arts and Sciences. She loves writing about fashion, beauty, relationships, careers, education, and much more. Kelsey aspires to move to New York City after graduation to pursue a career at a national, monthly magazine. Kelsey is currently on a mission to empower girls and women everywhere! Follow Kelsey on Twitter and Instagram at @KelseyKayHoward and read her personal blog at http://www.kelseykayhoward.com. View her resume and portfolio at www.kelseykayhoward.info.
Ashley is a Chapter Advisor and currently living in Brooklyn, New York.