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10 Foods That Will Make You Happy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.


Craving something sweet or sour? Starve no more! Here are 10 tasty treats that will make you smile.

  1. Puppy Chow

A few words that can describe this treat are yum and woof. Puppy chow is easy to make, a sure crowd pleaser, and great to share with friends and even your favorite pooch.

  1. Buttered Popcorn

The best companion, next to someone to cuddle with, to a movie is popcorn. Especially with butter or flavoring, is the perfect snack to fill you up. And because it’s been around since the early ‘talkies’ of the cinema industry, it must be doing something right. Lights, Camera, Munch!

  1. Brownies

Indulging with ice cream or the sugary batter, brownies are a mouth’s best friend. Brownies are often found as a favorite on restaurant’s dessert menus, on the shelves as easy how-to baking, and even in the kitchen baked with Oreos and cookies to make Slutty Brownies. The missing food group: chocolaty goodness.


  1. Salad

This list was in need of some leafy greens and couldn’t be all sugar!

Although you might not find them on the dessert menu, salads do leave you feeling healthy and lighter rather than sluggish. Famous for its calorie cutting and high level of antioxidants, salads keep your body in check and feeling great from the inside out.

  1. Lasagna

Coming in second to the famous Italian pizza, there’s a reason this tomato, pasta, and meat infused dish is so popular among kids and adults – it’s tasty.

  1. Barbeque

Don’t mess with Texas, or their barbeque. It’s delicious the way it already is!

  1. Potato Chips

Invented in New York when a chef tried to play a trick on a fussy diner, potato chips are now one of the world’s most popular foods. So because it comes from potatoes, it’s still a vegetable, right?


  1. Fruit

Known as the brain berries, fruit keeps you on your toes much like their healthy friend, the salad. In a variety of colors, Skittles aren’t your only way to taste the rainbow.

  1. Tacos

Perfect for breakfast, lunch or dinner, tacos are the reason no visitor leaves Mexico weighing less than when they arrived.

  1. Pancakes

Breakfast anyone? Pancakes, especially when chocolate chips or fruit are added to the batter, are a tasty treat and a great way to start the day off.