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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oswego chapter.

This Riggs Hall RA has been a role model and friend to her residents all year. She is so supportive, smart, funny and sweet, it’s no wonder her residents don’t want her to leave. This is who she is as a person every day, which is why she has had a boyfriend of more than two years. With her love of helping others, Disney World and art, this girl is one heck of a catch! So please welcome this week’s Campus Cutie, Erin Bonzek!

Name: Erin Bonzek

Class: 2013

Age: 23

Relationship Status: In a relationship

Major: Graphic Design

Minor: Art History

Hometown: Vestel, New York


What do you like most and least about being an RA?

Mostly, I like all of the people I get to meet and new friends I make. The thing I dislike the most are RCR forms and paperwork.


Who has had the biggest impact on your life?

My daddy, because he likes to guide me through things and give me and advice. He is also always there to listen to me when I need him to.


What are your plans after graduation?

To find a job in the graphic field and to move out of my parent’s house with Mitchell Pants.


What are you going to miss most about SUNY Oswego?

The goose poop! Haha, just kidding. Definitely the people, all the amazing friends I have made.


Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Engaged/married living in my own apartment or house. Mostly I just want to see myself as happy! Oh yeah, and a job too, that’s probably important, haha.


Do you have anything fun planned for the summer?

My mom has something fun planned around July Fourth. I’ll also possibly be going to a wedding. I am really looking forward to just hanging out and spending time with my friends and family, that’s what I like best.


Why do you love Disney so much?

I love Disney because I worked there and had amazing experiences when I worked there and I honestly could watch Disney anytime and not get sick of it. Also, the whole animation process they have intrigues me and I want to be a part of it right now!


Who is your favorite Disney character and why?

Ariel. I think it is because that was the first Disney movie I ever saw.  


What is your favorite thing to do with your boyfriend, Mitchell?



What is the sweetest thing Mitchell has ever done for you?

One time during Christmas he gave me a book and I was looking at it and reading the back of it. Then he said, “no, no, you have to open it,” and then I opened it and my necklace was inside! It was so cute.

I'm a junior. I like to read, watch T.V. and sleep. Aaaand that's it.