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This Week We Love: Sleep

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Andrews chapter.

Here at Her Campus St Andrews, we are always wondering how to balance out our time evenly. We want to do well in our coursework, have a fabulous social life, keep up with our favourite TV shows, and get enough sleep. Sometimes we are really good at achieving this balance, and other times we aren’t.

Right now I have let sleep become my main priority after TV. This is bad, as I am supposed to be revising for exams since they actually count in 3rd year. I have promised myself that after Monday (because realisticly I will need to sleep off the effects of May Ball) I will devote myself wholly to revision. 

Until then, I maintain that because it’s been such a busy week of May Dipping, TV watching, and thinking about starting to revise I deserve the beauty sleep I’m getting. 

Hannah is a 4th year student of English Literature and Art History at the University of St Andrews.