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Chuck White

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVWC chapter.

Name: Chuck White

Age: 20

Year: Sophomore

Major: English literature and political science

Activities: Running, football

Hometown: Williamson, WV

Relationship Status: Single

Favorite Music: Hip Hop

Favorite Sports Team: Duke

Favorite Movie: Rambo

Best Pick-up Line: I’m not drunk. I’m just intoxicated by you.

Turn-on: Tan legs

Turn-offs: No sense of humor

Best Feature: Smile

Blonde or Brunette: Both are beautiful.

Hidden Talent: Amazing dancer

Pet Peeve: When a girl isn’t treated right

Chuck is cute, funny, and athletic. Triple threat? Find out for yourself.  Keep an eye out for Chuck and the rest of the cuties on the field and around campus this semester!