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Campus Style: First-Year Fashion

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

Our fresh crop of first years have definitely not let us down in the fashion stakes. Spotted outside Portland building, first-year Hayley is already living like a thrifty student. Hayley bought both her jacket and scarf from a charity shop. Her Aztec inspired top is from Zara, and her leggings and converse are from Topshop. What really stands out is Hayleyā€™s on-trend tartan scarf and acid wash jacket. Emulate the look and grab a tartan scarf from ASOS like this one:


Sheetal studied History at the University of Nottingham and was Campus Correspondent during her final year, before graduating in July 2014. She is currently jumping between jobs, whilst still writing for HC in her spare time. She may or may not be some of these things: foodie, book addict, world traveller (crazy dreamer!), lover of cheese, Australian immigrant, self-proclaimed photographer, wannabe dancer, tree hugger, lipstick ruiner, curly-haired and curious. She hopes for world peace and dreams that someday, cake will not make you fat.