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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Elon chapter.

Studying, socializing, sleeping, eating, and exercising… what college student has time to juggle it all? Yes, the life of a college student is crazy. Luckily, it can be easily organized. Start implementing these ten organization tips into your life and you’ll wonder how you ever lived without them!

1. Keep ONE Assignment Planner

As the saying goes “A man with a watch knows what time it is. A man with two watches is never sure.” Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to over-organize. Keeping separate planners for academic, social, and extracurricular events is tempting; but with multiple planners, you’re likely to miss something. So, keep your life in order with one master planner!


2. Stick to a Morning Routine

A happy morning breeds a happy day. Develop a morning schedule that allows you ease into your day. If you like surfing Instagram and Twitter in the morning give yourself a time to do that! If you can never decide what to wear in the morning, lay out your clothes the night before. Find what works best for you, and stick to it.

3. Set Phone Alarms for Class

As college students, we are always on-the-go. And in an on-the-go lifestyle, time has a way of fleeing. Set an alarm that goes off 20 minutes before each class. You’ll have ample time to finish up what you’re doing and get to class on time.

4. De-clutter Your Workspace

Sorting through papers… finding your favorite pen… clearing a space to write. We spend far too much time getting ready to work, and too little time actually working. Clean your workspace at the end of each week. This way, you can jump right into your work, and finish it quickly.

5. Make Modest To-Do Lists

Nothing will make you want to crawl back into bed like a mile-long to-do list. Create small, manageable to-do lists that make you say “This is nothing… I can do this!” Remember, less is more.

6. Learn When You Study Best

Yes, knowing where you study best is important. But, have you ever considered evaluating when you study best? Most students completely neglect this aspect of productivity. If you’re a morning person, study in the morning. If you’re a night owl, take advantage of that. You know when you will study best. So determine it, and stick to it.

7. Work Before You Play

Dessert comes last for a reason; it’s something to look forward to! If you play before you work, you’ll lack motivation in your academics. If you’re deciding between pursuing a social event or an academic requirement, remember the work-before-play rule. It will be tough, but it will undoubtedly pay off!

8. Create a Weekly Budget

It may be tough to face it, but our bank account is important. College is expensive, and our finances matter. Create a weekly budget that allows you to live within your means. In addition, check your bank account once a week. If you overspend one week, (which is okay everyone once in while!) underspend the next week. This will help you avoid the dreaded ‘uh-oh’ moment.

9. Download Organization Apps

Yes, I know. Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter are fantastic apps. But there are even greater apps out there that allow you to organize your life. For your computer, try out the app Self Control. This app denies you access to self-designated websites for certain amounts of time. It’s perfect for when you’re on a time budget. For the iPhone, check out the apps Asana, AwesomeNote, Evernote, and Dashline. They’re effective and free!

10. Take Care of Your Body

Eat, sleep, and exercise. Do all three, and do them well. Otherwise, your mind will not function correctly! You’ll be foggy and dull! Eat fresh, nutritious foods. Sleep at least eight hours a night. Exercise moderately.

Get excited, ladies! Organization is fun! And if you’re feeling overwhelmed, just take it slow. Pick up a few tips every week. By next month, you’ll be golden!