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DIY: Cracked iPhone

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

We’ve all been there – trekking down Broadway, speed walking to class, running in Audubon – when suddenly, your hands decide to stop communicating with your brain and you lose control of your phone. Your stomach drops, and for one infinite moment the world moves in slow motion as your phone slowly tumbles down to the concrete sidewalk, evading the grasp of your desperate hands. Your beautiful iPhone is now cracked, and you drop to your knees and cry out to the universe why, why me?! Maybe this description is a little dramatic, but the good news is that the solution to your problem is easy and surprisingly quick. This DIY tutorial will explain how to turn a horrible situation into a crafty one.

Supplies Needed:

–       Highlighters

–       Clear coat nail polish

–       Towel


1.     Draw all over the back with highlighter, emphasizing the cracked areas (if you have a black iphone, the same instructions can be applied with a metallic sharpie).

2.     Wipe off with a towel. The ink stays in the cracks, but rubs off the other areas.

3.     Seal with a clear coat of nail polish to prevent dangerous glass shards and ink rubbing off (and bloody hands).

4.     Show off your clumsiness and newfound craftiness with pride!


Her Campus Tulane