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How to Dress to Impress

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.

photo from Hampton Script Online

“A Standard of Excellence” is a phrase that the students, staff, and alumni of Hampton University are expected to uphold in every aspect of their life.  Hamptonians are taught to not only play the part, but look the part as well.  With that being said, it is only right for them to aim to look their very best, right? Compared to other schools, the scene on the campus of Hampton University is somewhat similar to a fashion show. Whether students are going to class, the dining facility, or even the gym, there is some desire to look his/her best at all times.

Many understand that one’s appearance plays a huge part in what others think about them.  Females, for instance, tend to have to prove themselves more in a business and social setting, so they usually take their physical image very seriously.  However, society can sometimes take looking good to the extreme. Young and older women see an image of beauty that the media wants to portray.  This results in women substituting their self-esteem, dignity, and high standards with make-up, hair extensions, and today’s trends. 

The moral of this story is to help young women understand that there is nothing wrong with wanting to be the best you, but the key is accepting the real you FIRST! Our individual brand is one of our most prized possessions. The light that shines within you overpowers anything you try to portray on the outside. So, when thinking about what to wear in the morning, try not to think of the impression your clothes will have on others; think about what you have to offer and how your appearance can help enhance that.