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Pheed Your Social Media Need

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

Pheed is the app made to combine all your social media platforms. At least it tries to. The user is allowed to post photos, videos, text, and songs. From there, they can post to their Twitter and Facebook. Pheed started to take over on social media networks as soon as famous viners from the app “Vine” began to use it to post longer versions of their six-second videos. It has all the elements of most social media networks: one can post, comment, repost and share. There is also an element where one can heart or heartbreak something; finally a social media network that lets us dislike things!

These are all common social media rules but the one thing that Pheed has that no one else really has is that you can pay for a premium account to get access to certain celebrities and artists’ new content.

Personally, I don’t enjoy the app. I see no need for this social media account. The user can’t add cool filters or pause recordings to create different video angles. Basically, it seems like we already have the apps that Pheed is trying to compete with. We have Keek, Twitter, and Vine. Also, the fact that you have to pay if you want a premium account doesn’t appeal to me as a college student because, in my opinion, the free-er, the better. However, you obviously don’t have to take my word for it—feel free to download the app and try it out for yourself!


Photo Credit: 1, 2

I have been a proud Her Campus writer since my freshman year at Pitt and I am now the Social Media Editor for the chapter. So excited to see where the chapter will go but sadly I am a senior graduating in 2015 with a Communication and Art History major and Film Studies minor.
Thanks for reading our content! hcxo, HC at Pitt