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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.


Sure, boys are great and all, and I guess relationships are cool, but while in college, they’re usually pretty temporary. Life is too busy while trying to juggle 17 credits, three extra-curriculars, and a somewhat successful social life. And especially now, with fall semester winding down, we have no time to focus on romantic relationships when finals are on horizon (RT if you cried). I don’t know about everyone else, but the only relationship my friends and I have time for is the only one that truly matters: PIZZA.




Seriously, just look at that cheesy goodness. So much better than awkward flirty texts or awful first dates.




Also, pizza won’t ever break your heart or ditch you to play video games. And it definitely doesn’t care what your political views are. Score.





Pizza is there to fix your broken heart and make you whole again. 




Pizza is such a hero.




And, while you’re busy studying for your Bio exam or procrastinating writing that twenty-page research paper, pizza will be there to soothe your finals wounds. Nothing fixes stress faster than grease and an ample amount of toppings of your choosing.




Just look at it.



You won’t even think about backpacking and scheduling classes with this baby around.



Pizza, I love you.


If you’re looking to go steady with pizza, I suggest either Pizza House or Pizza Bob’s. Or Backroom Pizza. Or South U Pizza. Anything really. Or you could ask out the pizza delivery guy. Whatever works!

I'm a sophomore at the University of Michigan, majoring in Communications and Creative Writing. I like gifs, videos of people falling, and my cat. I don't take myself too seriously.