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The Hunt: What You’ve Been Looking For

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

So after browsing your Pinterest page for the past hour, procrastinating your paper even longer, you’ve come across a picture of a dress that you absolutely died over. There’s just one problem…you can’t find where it’s from and now you can’t concentrate on your paper because all you can think of is that dress that has your name written all over it. Well ladies, with the help of The Hunt and thousands of others, your problem has been solved!

I recently stumbled upon this website and saying I’m obsessed is a huge understatement. The Hunt allows you to track down items that you want to purchase or turtorials on certain hair and makeup styles. All you have to do is upload a picture of the item or style that you desire and the rest is up to The Hunt community. You can specify your ideal price that you’d like to spend on it and choose if you want the exact item or something simiar to it!

The awesomeness doesn’t end there though. You can look at everyone else’s posts as well and if you see something that you like you can “gem” it and it’s saved to your profile or “follow” the hunt and be emailed when someone finds where you can buy it or watch the turtorial. 

I put it to the test and uploaded a picture of a white faux fur vest that I found while reading a blog, there was of course no link or comment about where to get it :( After 3 days, I finally got the email telling me that someone had added a link to my upload. I clicked on it and it was a pretty close match to what I wanted and for an affordable price! Now I can add it to the top of my Christmas List.

The Hunt will not dissapoint and you are bound to find even more things that you covet! 



UNH Her Campus writer
This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!