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Freya’s DIY Birthday Collage

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Andrews chapter.

One of my best friends, who has managed to put up with me throughout the course of three separate educational institution, said goodbye to her teenage years last Tuesday. We have laughed, we have cried, we have shared a deep but unyielding love for Eddie Redmayne. In a vague attempt to reconcile both my affection and my purse strings, I decided to create a collage as a monument to our relationship (and a shrine to myself). With the seemingly infinite amount of charity shops scattered around town, it is impossible not to find a picture frame with hideous mildewed flowers or a map of some long-forgotten hamlet deep in the Yorkshire Dales. My own particular frame originally contained a photo of a rather nondescript snowless mountainside, which is currently bestowed with pride of place in on my flats living room mantel piece. Once you have ferreted out the right frame, this project couldn’t be easier and provides a useful distraction from those high-pressure moments on a Saturday afternoon that is the Six Nations competition.

Anyway, Happy 20th Birthday Ceski.  I hope you had a fabulous day enjoy being a proper functioning adult (or not)

What you need:

  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • A frame
  • Photos

Firstly decide and assemble the photographs you would like/are suitably embarrassing. Print and cut out, being careful (unlike me) not to print out double sided.

Then remove the back of the frame, and place the photographs in an aesthetically pleasing way, not forgetting to place particularly embarrassing ones centrally in the frame to ensure maximum impact.

Once you are happy with the arrangement, simply stick the photographs to the back of the frame, wait while they dry and then put the frame back together. Finally enjoy the winning score line and the win from your friends reaction.  

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Freya Liddell

St. Andrews

3rd Year History student at St Andrews
Hannah is a 4th year student of English Literature and Art History at the University of St Andrews.