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What to Wear St. Patrick’s Day 2014

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

St. Patrick’s Day may be an Irish celebration, but it’s the world’s holiday to be drunk from 8 am till you…well, drop. Whether you’re going to Chicago to see the river died green, celebrating on a beach over Spring Break, hitting up the bars in Madison, or lucky enough to make it to Dublin (wooo hooo!!) we’ve got you covered for what you need to wear. 

So you want to look cute, but still festive:

Green accessories are your thing! Wear your fav go-to items, but with a little Irish flare. This look is perfect for anyone who doesn’t plan to drink their weight in beer (not recommended!) because you won’t wanna scuff those booties. 


You’re on a beach for SB2K14 on St. Patty’s:

You’re lucky enough to be going somewhere warm, maybe PCB or Mexico, but you still gotta celebrate St. Patty’s. Take your standard Spring Breakers beach party look and add some green. And who needs shoes? You’re on a beach…duh. 


Your travels have taken you to Dublin! … Or some other extravagant celebration:

Sadly, there’s not much hope for you. You can try with a witty sweater or tee, but you’re going to look like a wasted mess and embrace it. Feel free to go all out and dress up as a leprechaun if you so wish, because you’ll consume so many green beers that you won’t even care. 


Wait, you actually want to look like a leprechaun:

There’s your inspiration.


Oh, you meant a slutty leprechaun:

The above image is not an error. Just don’t. Please don’t dress like a slutty leprechaun. 


HC Wisco, have fun this St. Patty’s Day and enjoy the fact that whatever you wear, some dumb slutty leprechaun will probably puke on it. Cheers! 

And jam out to this song


Becca Bahrke is a junior at the University of Wisconsin- Madison majoring in Retailing and minoring in Entrepreneurship and Gender & Women Studies. Becca is currently the CC/EIC of Her Campus- Wisconsin, and will continue writing news. Becca's primary hobby is blogging on her tumblr http://beccahasnothingtowear.tumblr.com