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10 Ways to Enjoy Spring at Yale

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Yale chapter.

Get back into your outside workouts and run up to East Rock Summit

Lay down a blanket and read on Cross Campus

Go to Spring Fling

Sip an iced coffee outside the YUAG (Atticus sells them for $1!)

Grab a meal with friends at one of New Haven’s great restaurants (try the outdoor seating at Kitchen Zinc!)

Sunbathe on Old Campus

Go for a walk down the Audubon Arts District (test out a muffin from Koffee while you’re over there)

Attend a sports game and support the many Bulldogs now in season

Check out one of the temporary exhibits at the Peabody Museum or Yale Center for British Art

Volunteer and enjoy homemade pizza at the FarmÂ