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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFSP chapter.

Summer Plans

      It is that time of year again. The season of sunny days, beach visits, sleeping in, and spur of the moment plans with friends. But for some these few months away from the hustle and bustle of the regular fall and spring semesters creates space for alternative plans. Here are a few options for those who are looking for more than just a little sun this summer.


      For those on a defined course to graduation, summer classes may be for you. Although the classes you will be signing up for will only range a short time span of 6-8 weeks (as opposed to the regular 16 week semester). This is a chance for you to get a few credits out of the way. For others who may not have had a solid semester grade wise. Taking summer classes is a great opportunity for you to bring up your GPA. If you end up deciding that you don’t want to take a full class load you will still have the time to fill your schedule with other plans.

Study Abroad:

      For some the consideration to take summer classes may coincide with a larger personal desire. For example, some may have the interest of traveling. Studying abroad combines the concept of obtaining class credits and the amazing opportunity of traveling, all into one experience. The program here at USFSP has an extensive Education Abroad program. The home page can be found by simply typing study abroad into the search engine at usfsp.edu. It is a great place to gather information on what subjects are available within the program. There are options such as business in Europe, entrepreneurship in Guatemala, and environmental studies in India just to name a few. The page also provides students with information to all the basic questions, like, how long will I be away? How much will it cost? What procedures and documentation do I have to have to travel? With an interest to travel and a desire to learn the rest is possible. (Since this process takes a lot of planning it may be something you want to begin preparing for next summer.)


      The interest to gain knowledge during the summer can be obtained in another way. The knowledge of experience is something that cannot be given. It must be developed. The opportunity of acquiring an internship can initiate this process. The privilege of having an internship allows a student like you to learn a lot about themselves. Transforming the way one organized, work in action or under pressure, is inspired, and possibly how one works with or leads a group. The insight one gains from an internship can build their proficiency within the a workforce. Or cause them to find passion for an alternative career. The process of pursuing and attaining and internship takes some time. So plan it in a timely manner, adversative yourself properly, and stay organized.


      The timely procedures for some to get an internship may have come too late. Although there are some paid internships out there, a more traditional summer job may be for you. It is more than likely that you have already experienced what it is like to have a summer job. Whether it was being a camp counselor, working at a local amusement park, saving lives as a lifeguard or just serving customers at restaurants and retail stores, summer jobs keep you busy. They allow students to rack up a little cash. If your reasoning is to save money for school, put some away for a rainy day, or just to pay for various necessities having the extra money is useful. So remember, even if you plan to take classes in the country or out, land that internship position or just plan to pick up a little cash this summer, don’t forget to relax and take have a little fun.

Bryana Perkins is a Mass Communications Major at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg. She is originally from Philadelphia, PA., but has been living in Florida for ten years. Perkins will soon graduate and hopes to use her writing skills to work for a non-profit organization. She enjoys sports, outdoor activities, arts and crafts, and spending time with her family and friends. Her favorite topics to write about are people and community. Perkins hopes her desire to write will impact people's lives in a positive.
A Mass Communications Major with a passion for inspiring others.