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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arkansas chapter.

To a woman, hair is her prize possession. We curl, straighten, braid, and color our locks because we get bored of our same look and want to change it up. When we get to the age where we start coloring our hair, it is a whole new world. We can finally have more fun by becoming a blonde or more mysterious when brunette. 

There are girls who love to go above and beyond with hair coloring. From red to pink or even blue, they aren’t scared to try something very different. I, for one, am that girl. I love changing up my style and was inspired by Kylie Jenner’s turquoise hair. I waited a couple of months to see if it was just a phase; it wasn’t. I knew I had to do it and this is the only time I can go out of the box before I am an adult. Another perk is that exotic hair colors are in for the fall!

If you are inspired and really want a change, go for it. Your hair will always grow back!



Here are some well known fashion bloggers and stars with fun colored hair. 

Bright Blue- Kylie Jenner

Pretty in Pink- Evelina Barry

Roaring Red- Lua


Water Color- Lily Allen