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Dorm Room Decoration: River Houses

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Harvard chapter.

Last week, Annie showed you all the best of the best of the freshman dorms. This week, I’ll be starting our snapshot series of upperclassman rooms with my own home in Mather House.  On the outside, Mather’s aesthetic leaves a little to be desired. Sure, some might bash the brutalist architecture or remind us that our house’s tower is often photo-shopped out of postcards of Harvard’s skyline, but anyone who lives in the concrete jungle grows to love it and here’s why. First of all, singles for life. Is there any better combination of words when discussing college living situations? In Mather you can either live in supersized singles in the tower, with views of Harvard on one side and of the river on the other, or suite-style in duplexes (large common room on one floor, four to six singles plus a bathroom on the second). Second of all, absolutely everything is connected through tunnels, making getting to the gym or the dhall or anything during inclement weather a breeze. But, you’re not here to hear me sing Mather’s praises. The point of this snapshot is to show you how you can turn any dorm room, whether it is airy and bright with beautiful hardwood floors or a perfectly proportioned slice of cinderblock, into a cozy home away from home.


**hang photos and fairy lights for a cozy, homey feel**


**real curtains (as opposed to mass-issue plasticky ones) make your room feel a little nicer**

**lots of posters and a little extra furniture (in my case, a tea cabinet and a vanity) give your cinderblock cube a more personalized feel**


Happy decorating!

Zoë is a senior at Harvard studying English, French, and Classics. She is an active member of the theatre community as one of the few specialized stage makeup designers and artists on campus. When not in the dressing rooms and at the makeup tables of the various stages available at Harvard, she is reading anything she can get her hands on, drinking endless cups of tea, and exploring new restaurants in the Boston area.
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