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The 12 Stages of Meeting the Boyfriend’s Parents

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marist chapter.

1. What do I wear? This shirt isn’t long enough to wear with leggings, it doesn’t cover my butt! Can I wear leggings without my butt covered? What if his mom thinks I look trashy?

2. Roommate! Where are you? I need wardrobe help PRONTO!

3. Pace pace pace. Why aren’t they here yet? Pace pace pace.

4. Do I hug them? Shake hands? I am so awkward.

5. Get lost on the way to the restaurant…great start to the evening.

6. Menu: venison, ox tail, quail? Wtf?

7. Waiting for food like…

8. Sit up straight. Is this too straight? Does it look like I’m trying too hard? I probably look like I have a stick up my butt.

9. Hour and a half later… Everyone gets their dinner but me and they awkwardly wait to eat until mine comes.

10. Umm, my butt did not reach JLo size by eating two-bite size portions…

11. The goodbye…

12. Boyfriend: “I know you’re starving, let’s get you some ice cream.”


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