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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Yale chapter.

As many of us know, James Franco is back at Yale getting his PhD.  And, being fans of his, as I assume many are, why wouldn’t you want to meet him, or at least see him in real life?!  Here are some spots where you might get so lucky!

1.  Blue State

           James Franco has been apparently spotted in this hot spot plenty of times, waiting in line, sipping a coffee, and doing some work at one of the various tables- celebs, they’re just like us!  Since Blue State is usually crowded, he might be incognito, but grab a coffee, sit down, and maybe you’ll catch a glimpse!

2.  35 Broadway and Linsly Chittenden Hall



            Franco is apparently a TA for an English class here at Yale, and his section reportedly meets in a room in LC.  LC is a big place, but if you walk around enough, you might get lucky!  And, as 35 Broadway is the Graduate Writing Center, chances you’ll see him here are pretty high.  Maybe its time you got that paper edited by one of the writing partners, no?

3.  Toads Place

            Now, we’re not sure, but Toads attracts many different people on any given night.  And, since Franco went to Yale, chances he’s been to Toads before have to be pretty high.  And, why wouldn’t he go back for a visit!?
