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Debunked: 10 Myths About Breast Cancer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.


October is breast cancer awareness month, Collegiettes! Breast cancer has affected many of our friends and loved ones, and the best thing that we can do is educate ourselves about it. Here we’ve debunked ten of the most common myths:


1. Underwire Bras Cause Cancer

This myth stems from the idea that an underwire bra compresses the lymphatic system and causes toxins to build up in the breast. However, there is no scientific evidence to back up this claim, so go ahead and wear whatever bra makes you feel the best!


2. All Breast Lumps are Cancerous

Nope! In fact, most breast lumps are caused by benign cysts, or some other change in your breasts. If you notice any persistent lumps, or are concerned about your breasts, you may want to consult your doctor, just to be safe!


3. Breast Implants Raise Your Risk of Cancer

Again, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. Women with implants may however, need x-rays in addition to a mammogram to fully examine their breast tissue.


4. The Size of Your Breasts Determines Your Risk of Breast Cancer

Absolutely not! The size of your breasts has no bearing on your risk of getting breast cancer. Women with large breasts may have more difficulty conducting self-examinations, but all women should commit to routine clinical examinations.


5. You Can’t Get Breast Cancer after a Mastectomy

It is a very small possibility, but some women do get breast cancer after having a mastectomy. It may come at the site of the scar, or the original cancer may have spread. For women at high risk who have  had a mastectomy as a preventative measure, the risk of getting breast cancer is greatly reduced.


6. Drinking Caffeine Causes Cancer

No connection has been found between caffeine and an increased risk of breast cancer, so there’s no need to rule out your morning coffee.


7. Annual Mammograms Increase Your Risk of Cancer

It’s true that having a mammogram exposes you to radiation. The amount, however, is so minimal that the preventative benefits greatly outweigh any possible risk.


8. Having an Abortion Raises Your Risk of Cancer

Cancer is associated with hormone levels, and an abortion is thought to disturb hormone cycles during pregnancy. However, there is no scientific proof to support a causal connection between the two.


9. Monthly Self-Examinations are Mandatory

This is a tricky topic. It was once thought that self-examinations were the best tool for early detection. Research has shown, however, that most women find breast abnormalities while dressing or showering, instead of during a self-exam. The American Cancer Society now advocates that women simply be aware of their own breasts, and attune to any changes in feel or appearance. But, when in doubt, check it out!


10. Only Women Get Breast Cancer

Not true! A small percentage of men do get breast cancer. In fact, men have a higher mortality rate from breast cancer than women do, because of a lack of awareness which may cause a delay in seeking treatment.


Here are some sources and links to additional information:




Abby can be found reading magazines, dreaming up content ideas, browsing(stalking) on Instagram, and pursuing her love of travel. She is also a certified nerd. Find her on Instagram @abby.e.hart because she is not funny enough for Twitter.