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5 Ways to Swerve on the Dance Floor

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.

After a long week of classes and homework, it’s finally the weekend.  You and your girls hit up your favorite club and become queens of the dance floor.

As you’re getting down to your favorite song, you feel a pull on your hips—someone wants to dance.  If you’re not in the mood, you’ll find it hard to get away from the person, especially if they’re persistent.

So how exactly do you swerve these guys?

1.    Lean in…then run.

This is a daring move, so be prepared to pull it off without caring.  When the person wanting to dance pulls you closer, play along.  Lean in and then act like you’re going to whisper a secret in his ear.  When he looks interested…run.

2.    Smile and point.

Make sure you have a Cheshire cat grin on your face and make eye contact with the person.  While he’s looking at you, point and avert his attention to something random—then gracefully walk off.  It’s easy, simple and you can get back to dancing.

3.    Pretend you’re oblivious.

Make sure you put on the most “wut” face ever….He’ll back off.

4.    Wave to someone.

Who, exactly, should you wave to?  Anyone…anyone.  This way, the person wanting to dance will probably think your friends are approaching.  To make things easier, wave at somebody who isn’t creepily staring.  If things work out, he or she will wave back and you can pretend to go and talk.  The result?  Freedom.

5.    Bust and move and walk off.

This is probably the easiest thing.  Dance your way over to your friends.

Swerve them, collegiates, swerve.

Print Journalism major with a passion for fitness, health, life, and the simple things. If you want to read more of work, check out my blog: http://naturallymel.wordpress.com/
I am an undergraduate journalism major at Quinnipiac University. I love reading, writing, shopping, studying fashion, working hard, playing hard, and learning new things. I entertain interests in women’s issues and enjoy writing about all things interesting, beautiful, and humorous. Follow my blog at http://melissasirois.tumblr.com to see more of my work!