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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Adelphi chapter.

I think its safe to stay we have all felt like this at one point:

And just wait boys and girls because right around the corner is


College life isn’t easy, and if it was it wouldn’t be college. Trying to find a happy medium between sleep, academics, and a social life just will never happen because one of them is going to suffer. It’s the never ending cycle of the struggle of scheduling.

It’s a struggle when Monday through Friday sleep is a foreign concept because who has time for that when a 10 page paper is due tomorrow and you have work that night.

That paper gets pushed to tomorrow.

Starbucks  becomes your true friend

You become so stressed, that there is no time to eat breakfast, lunch or dinner, but those bag of chips will suffice.

You begin to procrastinate to your finest because after a while time just blurs together and who has time to plan ahead to study?!


Sometimes you just don’t care and schedule in some time for yourself because after midterms we need a break to keep our sanity.

Here is hoping that next semester we will make the perfect schedule we hope for and not get locked out for the third time in a row.

Just remember, one day all this hard work and madness will pay off