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Campus Celebrity: Erin Taylor

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

Name: Erin Taylor

Year: Junior

Major: Double major in Political Science and Communications 

What is your favorite spot on campus?My favorite spot on campus, other then my bed, would have to be any one of the benches by Lake Marion with a view of both Le Mans and Haggar. I think the combination of the island, the castle that is Le Mans and the fountain in front of Haggar is just awesome and can’t be beat.

What made you choose Political Science as your major, and to double major in Communications as well? 
I’ve always been very interested in politics. I can remember my parents letting me stay up past my bed time to watch the results of the 2000 election between Gore and Bush and I just loved the competition and anticipation that came with it. I obviously didn’t really know what was going on then, but the more I learned, the more I loved politics. I decided to take on a second major because communications was just too fun to give up. And it’s awesome seeing how the things I learn in my political science classes correlate with stuff I’m learning in communications classes.
What is your involvement with the Political Science Club?
As the treasurer of the political science club, I mainly budget for the club while acting as a mediator between club members and the board.
You just took a practice LSAT, is law school definitely in your future?
Law school is definitely a possibility, but who knows. Does anyone know what they actually want to do?! The LSAT was difficult, as expected, but I think I’ll give it another try. 
What was your favorite part about studying abroad in Ireland?
My favorite part about studying in Ireland were the people there, they were so nice and humble. They really wanted to know about you, where you’re from, why you’re here, and what your story was. My favorite part about studying abroad in general was being able to travel and see new places with friends. It didn’t hurt that I had so much free time because class was only three days per week and the workload was practically nothing. I miss that.
What is something on your SMC bucket list?
I think I’ve already checked off a lot of things on my bucket list: I’ve made great friends, studied abroad, received my class ring, and met awesome professors. At this point, my bucket list consists of graduating in four years. Fingers crossed! 
What is your favorite show to watch on Netflix?
TOO MANY TO NAME! But right now it’d have to be Parenthood. I recommend it to everyone.
What is your favorite food creation in the dining hall?
Anything with hot sauce.
Thanks Erin! 
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Therese Burke

Saint Mary's