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Tips for Getting Along with Any Roommate

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

By now you’ve figured out the differences and similarities between you and your roommate(s).  Some of you may be lucky and have a roommate who is also a great friend.  Or you and your roommate may cohabitate peacefully, but not socialize outside of your dorm. The worst case scenario is having a roommate who gets on every one of your last nerves. Some people are not compatible to live together, which is fine and is no way reflects on your character or personality.  But having a place you feel comfortable in is important, so here are some tips to getting along with any roommate.

  1. Set Ground Rules

This is important for friends and complete strangers to do. Know that roommate agreements can be edited and revisited throughout the semester. Be honest when making or introducing new rules. Make sure they are rules that both of you can realistically follow.

  1. Be Respectful

If you do have a problem or concern with your roommate, it’s most important to be respectful when expressing your concerns. Give them time to explain, apologize, or correct the problem.

  1. Refrain from gossiping about each other

As much as you might want to vent to your suitemates, neighbors, or girls down the hall, avoid doing this. Spreading hateful gossip about your roommate will probably get back to her and only hurt her and make your situation worse. On the flip side, you wouldn’t want the girls in the bathroom to secretly hate you. Keep the venting to a journal or friends who go to a different university.

  1. Involve your RA

If you’ve talked to your roommate about a problem once, twice, or multiple times and find no change in their behavior, talk to your RA. They are there as a resource and have been trained to help you in these situations.

  1. Compromise

While you might like some things a certain way, it’s sometimes easier to keep the peace and let some things slide. Pick your “battles” wisely. Instead of fighting about the overflowing garbage cans, it’s easier to take the trash out yourself then get into an argument. Living with someone is all about compromise. Remember they’re making compromises to live with you just as much as you are with them.

Now is also the time in the semester where if you truly think you can’t survive another semester with your roommate, contact USF Housing about making a room change. Roommates can be some of the best friends you’ll ever make, but it’s important to have a positive and healthy relationship with your roommates to create a comfortable living space.

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I am a sophomore Elementary Education major at USF! My ultimate goal is to teach abroad after I graduate and make quality education more accessible. Otherwise, I am a vegetarian, beginner yogi, curly haired girl who enjoys laughing at her own jokes.
Lover of all things Disney, Star Wars, Marvel, Harry Potter and fashion. Junior. Mass Communication major. Disney Cast member. Aspiring writer.