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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Why is it that most of us believe that “all guys are the same”? Is it from first hand experience, or what we see in movies and TV shows? Of course at times we’ll see a portrayal of a very rare depiction of the perfect man, or at least what women want as a perfect man. Perfection does not exist, and we all know this, but we can’t help but fall into the trap.

Aside from the idealistic prince we all yearn for, sometimes we’re stuck with a few…toads. The guys we’re warned about, and the ones we want to avoid. Yet sometimes we may not exactly realize who they are, until they really reveal themselves. The “other guys” are the ones we want to avoid but unfortunately sneak their ways into our lives and our inboxes. The ones, who sorry to say, waste our time or break our hearts.

These so called, “other guys” always sound the same. So once you hear these lines and excuses its time to get out of there and move on.

1. “I’m not like other guys.”

My all time favorite line, just hearing it makes me laugh a little. Although it is a little cliché, there are two sides to the infamous line. Maybe the guy saying it is actually different and he’s not like other guys. Or he is exactly like every other guy. Why do they feel the need to proclaim that they are different? Actions speak louder than words don’t they? So how about they show they’re different instead of just insisting they are?

2. “I feel like you’re too good for me.”

Honestly though, what does this even mean? Sometimes it can be used in a breakup, or sometimes it can be used as an excuse as to why he doesn’t want to be in a relationship. Either way it makes us girls feel a little better at the time being, but once we sit back and really think about it…it doesn’t really make sense. Being too good is not a bad thing, in fact it’s a great thing. Make sure to never accept this excuse.

3. “You’re the only girl I’m talking to.”

In our generation “talking to someone” usually means you’re trying to get to know each other for possible future relationships. If the couple isn’t exclusive it’s more than likely that you are not the only girl he is trying to get to know, and maybe he’s not the only guy either. However, this gem of a line, when said early on is more than likely false.

4. “You’re too pretty to be single.”

Because apparently being too good and too pretty means being single forever. Instead of just calling you beautiful they have to add in the relationship status, or lack-there of. This can be said to just make sure you really are single, or they may want you to believe that they could possibly be interested in something a little more serious. Possibly.

And lastly…

5. When asked about previous mistakes they say they were too young and dumb.

Guys may excuse their past actions, whether it was infidelity or lying, with the fact that they didn’t know what they were doing or they were too young to understand. Something like cheating and lying are not mistakes, they are decisions and choices. We can learn to forgive, but that doesn’t mean they learned their lessons.

This does not mean every guy is the same, or that that they are all going to play with our minds and hearts. Sometimes we have to go through a few failed relationships before finding the one. 

Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst