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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Eckerd chapter.

Where Has the Time Gone?!


Can you believe that we are now in the middle of November already?! This fall semester is going by so fast, and before you know it 2014 will be over, and 2015 will be here. Don’t let the time flying by stress you out. If you find yourself getting stressed out, don’t worry because there are some tips and tricks that can help you!


    1.        Make a To Do List

                1.1.        Losing track of time may mean that you have forgotten about the projects and papers that you have due in a matter of weeks or days. Making a to do list, I personally find extremely helpful. Take everything you have to do for the entire month and make a list starting with the most important and make your way down the list. Plus there’s an instant gratification when you are able to cross something off the list!

    1.        Take Some Time For Yourself

                1.1.        If you have a crazy day, take an hour or two to do something that you enjoy doing, or to simply pamper yourself, or get a group together and have everyone get pampered!




    1.        Find an Outlet

                1.1.        Not an electrical outlet. An outlet that helps you manage the stress. Such as talking to someone, painting, drawing, swimming, and singing, etc. I personally like dancing when I’m stressed. Taking five minutes to have a dance party can make all the difference. 

If you find yourself stressed to the max, just take a deep breath. The semester will soon be over and the stress that is associated with it will soon be over as well. What are some of the ways that you help to be stress free, or things that work to help calm yourself? Let us know!