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Is Technology Really Helping our Social Lives?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Adelphi chapter.

With technology on the rise, it’s more common for people to become antisocial.  Many people don’t realize how much of an influence technology has on our social life. Whether it’s watching Netflix, reading BuzzFeed off our phones or simply texting, the amount of hours spent on new technology is mind-boggling.

Which brings up an important question: is all this new technology good for us?

If we look at the timeline on how much technology has grown in the last 20 years, it’s incredible. Now we are able to call people internationally without call cards and skype with them if we wanted to. But not all new technology is bad.  People are now able to use prosthetic body parts to replace what they lost. Not only that, but the new technology is helping medicine advance as well. 

However, the arguement still stands on whether the new technology is helping us or not. According to Neil Postman, a media theorist, technology comes with consequences and it can show us an extent version of ourselves.  Postman is arguing that if we let technology consume our life, it will eventually become a part of ourselves. 

Nowadays, five year olds have iPads or even a cellphone. Kids no longer want to play outside and have social issues because of the time spent on their technology, which studies have found to be one of the factors to child obesity.

In addition, more students are becoming technology dependent which has led them into becomeing socially awkward and isolated. This is due to the fact that people are seeing each other less because it’s more convient to text each other. 

At the end of the day, the important question is: does this help or hinder our social lives? The answer depends on the person. If we allow for the new technology to take over our lives than their will be consequences such as having social behavioral issues. The funny thing about technology is that we can’t live without it, and as long as it helps progress medicine and society, it’s not bad.

 Tracking how much technology you use in a week with a chart is helpful. It helps people realize how much time they actually spend on their phones, watching TV or laptops daily. It’s good to try to cut back an hour or so each week, to spend more time with friends or family. Human interaction has always been around and it’s free, so kick back, have a few laughs before finals hit. 


I am currently working for Chernoff Diamond, a financial consulting firm. I have a passion for writing and going to the gym. My main mission is to utilize my writing and journalism skills to help advocate for the underprivileged. With determination and hard work, I am motivated to travel around the world and learn about people's stories in hope to become more knowledgeable about the world.