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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

Name: Chris Hager

Year of Graduation: 2016

Major/Concentration: Studio Art and English

Relationship Status: Married to my job.

Favorite Place to Study: As close to a fire exit as possible.

Favorite Sport: Badminton (almost all other sports are too taxing on my delicate bones).

What are you looking forward to most for over winter break? Spending time with the family, especially Grandpa. He’s in an urn in our living room :-(

Favorite Meal: A bare flour tortilla and a large glass of tap water.

Favorite Movie: The Royal Tenenbaums

Favorite pick-up line: Are you Evelyn Nesbit? Because your beauty and feminine prowess could drive a man to commit murder.

Favorite TV Show: The 6:00 News with Russ Mitchell and Kris Pickel. Only on WKYC Cleveland. See the Possible.

Describe yourself in one word: Curvy

Call or text? Call, but only because I’m exclusively using a landline at the moment

What is your ideal date? Re-matting, reframing, and archiving 18th century erotic Japanese woodblock prints.

Finish this sentence: A girl looks her best when… She is being someone other than herself. In my past experiences, I’ve found that being yourself can be a real turn off.