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The 5 Types of College Couples on Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, and there is certainly a limit to how much romance can be created in a cramped college dorm room. Here are the five different types of couples you’ll witness on February 14th…

1. The LDR

Long distance relationships suck, and there’s no getting around that. However, Valentine’s Day is an excuse to buy a ridiculously expensive train ticket and finally go visit your bae. This couple will either be talking nonstop for weeks about how excited they are for the big day, or they’ll be wallowing in self-pity knowing it’s just going to be another weekend of avoiding drunk people at parties trying to hit on them while maybe receiving some chocolates in the mail.

2. The “We met three weeks ago but our kids names will be Clara and Stephen and it will be a spring wedding”

This “couple” got together after too many cups of jungle juice at a Thursday night frat party, and they’ve been inseparable ever since. Despite the fact that their only dates have been to the dining hall and to each other’s dorm rooms at 2am, they are already using the L word (and using it a lot). They’re nauseating to be around, and everyone knows their lack of anything in common will cause them to break up in a few weeks. But hey, anything’s better than being alone.

3. The “What Are We”

They’ve been “together” for about a month now, and everyone they know is constantly asking if they are dating. They haven’t even defined the relationship, so both people are wondering what the heck they should do on Valentine’s Day. Gifts? Flowers? A… real date? Even though talking it out would be 100 times easier, this couple chooses to frantically read texts for hidden messages and try to decipher what action the other person will take.

4. The Group of Friends

These girls claim to hate Valentine’s Day and everything that goes along with it. That might be true, but that doesn’t stop each of them from checking their phone every five minutes for a text from their crush.  For now, they’ll claim to despise the Hallmark holiday and the entire institution of love, but when that cute classmate finally asks them out, they’ll feel quite the opposite.

5. The Desperate Hook-Up

The people on campus left without a significant other on Valentine’s Day can probably be found frat hopping throughout the weekend. They throw on their festive pink and red attire, attempt to drink away their loneliness, and try to find someone just as miserable as they are.

No matter what situation you find yourself in on Valentine’s Day, remember that you don’t need another person to define you. Someone will come along one day, but until then try to enjoy the moment.

Jenna Davis is a sophomore at the College of William & Mary studying government and sarcasm.