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Mardi Gras: Expectations vs. Reality

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

Tulane students pride themselves on their elite academic capabilites and credentials that gained them acceptance into the university in the first place. A Tulanian always puts work before pleasure, and would never even think of venturing out to Broadway on a school night. Drowning in work nearly 24/7, students only have one time a year where they can leave the chains of their booth at PJ’s and just let loose: thank GOD for Mardi Gras. 

A novice to parties and social events, Tulane students often daydream about the splendor and rapture that Mardi Gras will bring: beads, dogs in tutus, friends, glitter, neon American Apparell leggings on every female ages 16-24 – the list goes on. Shockingly, Mardi Gras never seems to pan out exactly as a Tulane student’s reverie. In fact, it seems as if our expecations always far exceed our realities during Carnival season.

Expectation: You’re going to look ‘rull cute ~*effortlessly*~ for each day – no, each parade.


Reality: You wear the same cat galaxy pants four days in a row because they’re “cute and universal,” not because you haven’t slept in a week let alone changed your clothes.


Expectation: You and your squad will be attached at the hip and never get separated. 


Reality: You get absolutely, 100% certifiably separated. 


Expectation: You’ve got enough stamina for all of the parades and WILL make it to tequila sunrise after Lundi Gras.



Reality: You’re a liar. You’re a liar and a faker and you have no idea how you ended up in your bed it just happened all right?


Expectation: You’ll resist any drunchies you may or may not have and vow to treat your body well despite the festivities.


Reality: A King Cake Cheeseburger. They put a cheeseburger between King Cake. This is a real thing that is happening in the present right here and now. What a time to be alive.


Expectation: It’s gonna be the best.

Reality: It’s gonna be the BEST. 

Her Campus Tulane