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7 Thoughts You’ve Had If You’ve Ever Worked in Food Service

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Poly chapter.

It’s no secret that college is expensive. In order to make ends meet, many students get part-time jobs. Jobs in food service are especially common among college students and although restaurants vary, servers everywhere encounter nearly identical situations. Here are seven thoughts that every server has had while at work:

1. “Seriously…how long does it take to decide what you want to order?” 


2. “Really? No tip?”

3. “If you have so many dietary restrictions, why are you going out to eat at all?”

4. “Stop asking me how much things cost and look at a freaking menu.”

5. “Maybe if I laugh harder at this guy’s jokes, he’ll leave a bigger tip.”

6. “That customer is really cute. Would it be weird to flirt with them?”

7. “How can somebody be so stupid?”

Hannah is a sophomore at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, CA. Besides writing, she loves running, Thai food and making ridiculously unaffordable collections on Wanelo. Hannah is obsessed with The Walking Dead, old Disney movies, Ed Sheeran and wasting time on Photoshop. She'd like to point out that she can't sing or dance, but will, because that's when it's the most fun, especially when the songs are from "Les Miserables." Follow her on Twitter @joslin_hannah and Instagram @hannahmichele8