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Motivation Monday: Create a Happy Place

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Two simple messages inside a chocolate got me thinking how we over-think everything. We try so hard to always be happy and perfect, that we forget the true meaning behind it. While enjoying my delicious dark chocolate, I came across this, “create a happy place” then the second chocolate said, “you don’t need an excuse. You just need a moment”. 

This felt like it was a wake-up call to stop pretending, and to actually be happy. It’s important to take each moment as it comes. You don’t need an excuse to be happy. You don’t owe an explanation to anyone. You just need to learn to always be happy, no matter what life throws at you. Also, remember if something is making you unhappy, change it. You’re not a tree, therefore you can move, make a change, and create your own happiness. Your happiness comes from within you.

Don’t ruin a moment by thinking it’s too good to be true, because miracles do happen. They just take time, like everything else in life; meaning be patient. The longer it takes the more worthy it gets. The quality of your happiness is based on the quality of your thoughts. Throughout your happy journey, don’t forget to be the reason behind someone else’s happiness. Happiness is the only thing that does not decrease by being shared. It always increases… 

Photo Source: 1