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Tips for Jumping into the Spring Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

The arrival of each new semester represents a new beginning, brimming with potential and opportunity. At Holy Cross, with spring semester comes numerous exciting events including Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, and my personal favorite, Spring Weekend (who doesn’t love those bunnies at the petting zoo?)! As the days start getting longer and (eventually) warmer, here are four tips to keep in mind.

1. Leave your comfort zoneOnce spring semester rolls around, everyone is pretty settled into their routine. Your dorm is thoroughly furnished and decorated, you have certain activities, a steady after class schedule, and a regular friend group. Use this opportunity to branch out, perhaps join a new club or get Coolbeans with a new acquaintance. With the beginning of each semester, we are one step closer to graduation. Make the most out of your time at Holy Cross!

2. Make specific goalsEveryone has vague, general objectives to work hard and do well each semester; however, sometimes it is worthwhile to set a specific goal to aim for and achieve. For example, maybe you’d like to make the Dean’s list or land your dream summer internship. Regardless, aiming to achieve a specific goal and taking the necessary steps to do so will help take full advantage of your semester.

3. Get organizedIt’s never too early to start some spring cleaning! Some easy tasks could be throwing out anything from last semester that you don’t need such as old tests, papers, and notes. Furthermore, clean out your closet. You certainly do not need autumn apparel for the rest of the school year; and unfortunately, warm weather clothes won’t be needed for a few months (thanks Juno).

4. Stay positive!Spring semester can be stressful especially when you have endless amounts of homework, have not finalized your summer plans, and the weather is not improving. Try to enjoy the present and find something good in each day…college really does fly by so fast!