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ABROAD TAKEOVER: Haley Drier: World Traveler with a Purpose

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CUA chapter.

Hometown: Webster Groves, Missouri 

Major: Psychology

Graduation Year: 2016


HC: Hey Haley! Thanks for interviewing with Her Campus CUA! Let’s begin by learning a little bit about you; what on campus organizations are you involved in?

Haley: I am involved in campus ministry quite a bit. I participate in Habitat for Humanity frequently and went on a spring break trip last year. I went on a mission Belize last summer and will be going to El Paso this summer. I also am involved in SOME (so others may eat) and St. Ann’s house weekly trips when I can. 

HC: Wow, those are some amazing accomplishments. What made you first want to get involved with Habitat for Humanity?

Haley: Habitat for Humanity has always been something I have loved, but my freshman year RA was leading a trip spring of my sophomore year and I decided to go. It was on of the most amazing experiences of my life. 

HC: I bet! As far as mission trips go, are there any moments that were particularly special to you?

Haley: There was a little boy that hung out with us all week, and on day my friend (fellow Her Campus writer Briana Bee), and I walked him home. Seeing his home and the conditions he was living in was truly eye opening to how fortunate we are. But more importantly, how this little boy could be so happy with what we consider so little. There is so much we can do to help those that are less fortunate than us, and half of it is just being friendly.   

Another memory that stands out was our first day when we were at the school that was having a festival; we all danced with the kids and it was a really joyful moment. Our line for that trip was, “what it means to be human”, and those kinds of moments summed up what I think it means. 

*Haley is studying abroad with me in Barcelona *

HC: That’s very inspiring and powerful; it makes me want to participate! Changing topics, how have you liked studying abroad? What has been your favorite part of being in Barcelona?

Haley: Studying abroad has been amazing. I love exploring a new city and a new culture. Experiencing how the people here live life has been awesome. They focus more on the little things in life, and they take their leisure time very seriously! No one is worried about having the next, newest thing or the fastest technology, which can definitely be annoying when it comes to Wi-Fi, but it’s also refreshing! 

My favorite part is the weather and the culture. It is warm and there are always new things to explore. There is so much history. 

HC: I completely agree with everything you said! Where has been your favorite place to travel outside of Spain?

Haley: My favorite place I’ve been outside of Barcelona is Morocco. I value learning about new cultures and the people of the places I visit. Morocco is physically very near Spain, and yet so incredibly different, which was surprising to me. It was an unforgettable experience!

HC: I can’t wait to go their for my spring break! Well thanks for chatting with us today Haley, and keep on doing what you’re doing, it seems like you’re really making a difference.