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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

College—the place our parents drop us off to get a degree in order to get a big girl job (maybe? Hopefully?). We’re supposed to spend our time going to class and studying and being good students.

However, I know I’m not alone in saying sometimes it’s difficult to pay attention to all the books and notes when a cute boy passes in front of your laptop at the library. I find this to be especially problematic at UCF, where attractive guys are no more than 15 feet away at any given moment. 

It’s both a blessing and a curse.

So this week, instead of spending my time working on a project worth half my grade, I made a sacrifice for all the girls here at UCF. I did a little research out in the field, and after staking out all over, I give you the best places to find cute boys on the UCF campus.

Pictures included (you’re welcome). 

1. The gym. Obviously. This place is full of boys in tank tops getting their sweat on. You can hang on the treadmill and watch, you can sit at the tables in the lobby and watch, or you can be a total creeper and sit on the steps outside and watch. Either way you want to go about it, the gym provides a perfect, 360 degree view of all the honeys going to and from their workout.


2. The Library. If you’re into the sexy smart boys, look no further, the library is where it’s at. Here you’ll find many boys squinting behind their computer screens, studying hard, and lookin good. Five floors of attractiveness, does it get any better than that?


3. The Student Union. They might be eating outside Qdoba; they might be printing up their essays in the SGA Printing Lab. They might even be working behind the information desk, who knows? All I’m saying is, the second floor of the Union is a pretty good spot to bae-watch with a bird’s eye view.


4. Memory Mall. Tailgating season is great; boy central to say the least. Don’t worry, though. It’s highly possible you’ll come across some cuties kicking a ball around or playing Frisbee during the rest of the year. There are plenty of benches with a great view.  


5. The Reflection Pond. Ah, so serene. A favorite spot of many. Here you can sit back and enjoy the sound of the fountain and the view of all the UCF dudes rolling by on their longboards.


I realize this might be slightly stalker-like, but hey, a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do. We’re pretty blessed to go to a school where running into hotties is a daily occurrence, so I say make the most of it.  UCF really knows what’s up. GO KNIGHTS! 

UCF Contributor