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Training Guides For Your Next (Netflix) Marathon

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

There are two types of marathoners: those who wake up early to run ten kilometers and those who stay up late to watch ten television episodes. Both require commitment, endurance, and, probably, excellent bladder control.

Binge-watching is not for the faint of heart. The brave and dedicated members of the streaming community overcome many obstacles in these taxing times. Their will is sporadically tested by the ostensibly condescending Netflix question: “Are you still watching?” Their ignored priorities are reexamined in the fifteen seconds before the next episode loads. And, worst of all, their capacity to persevere is called into question as the black screen forces them to stare at their haggard, sleep-deprived reflections, illuminated only by the light of the credits.

It is estimated that the average American spends six months of their lives waiting at red lights, three years eating, and twenty-five years sleeping. But how long does he spend watching television?

Now, thanks to these three Nielsen infographics, we can adequately track how much time it would take to watch popular television shows from start to finish. If you want to train to marathon your dream stream or simply hope to calculate how much of your life you’ve lost to Walter White or Jon Snow, these handy guides are for you.

Better charge your devices; you’re in it for the long haul.