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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LMU chapter.

Have you ever met a person from Chicago that you did not like? The Chicagoans I have encountered in my life are some of the funniest, most interesting, and refreshing people I have met, and senior English major Morgan Cavanaugh is no exception. She is the kind of person that you meet, only to wish you had met sooner, and ‘that person’ you want to be seated next to in class to keep things interesting. Morgan is a manager of/works in The Lions Den, so be sure to keep an eye out for her the next time you need a caffeine fix. Keep being you, Morgan!

1. Tell us about yourself.

“I’m a Senior, English major from Chicago who enjoys zesty breakfast burritos, well-written animated T.V. shows, and reading the Craigslist “Missed Connections” page. I only sing ‘dad rock’ at karaoke and will be sweaty 9/10 times you see me.”

2. You’re the manager at The Lion’s Den, the student-run coffee shop on campus. What is your go-to coffee order?

“Yeah! I have the pleasure of working alongside two cool and fun manager ladies – we call ourselves “The Momagers.” It’s super cool, I feel like a toddler given free reign of all things Photoshop and social media. In all seriousness though, it’s been a great three years and it feels good to do my best to give back to my first home on LMU’s campus. As for the favorite drink, I’d have to say it’s anything I can come up with that I can force Jeff Winsper (a friend and co-worker) to make for me.”

3. You’re from Chicago. What is the biggest difference between home and LA? Besides the weather.

“Chicago has my heart forever. It’s really refreshing to be able to walk through five different neighborhoods in under an hour. Also, the EL (our form of public transportation) is a lifesaver. The biggest difference I noticed when coming to LA was how every Californian seemed to have a hobby that involved some kind of physical activity. Surfing, climbing, hiking, biking, etc. So when people started asking me “What do Chicagoans do for fun?” the answer wasn’t overwhelmingly romantic. “We eat…and drink. We eat while drinking. Sometimes we go to concerts! But we drink there too.” All in all, it’s a good time.   Also, I think we hold the record for highest amount of corrupt politicians per square foot.”

4. What is your most prized possession, and why?

“My Loft glass. You know why.”

5.  What are you most looking forward to as you start your senior year?

“I hope I get to strengthen old friendships while cultivating new ones, just as a simple farmer cultivates corn.”


Three weird/funny/interesting/unknown/etc. facts about yourself:

·      I can’t smell things

·      I once told Bob Newhart that his greatest achievement was “The Rescuers: Down Under,” and all he said was “Oh.”

·      I do a killer “Creed” impression.