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The Marathon That is Senior Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

I thought that senior year would be a well-deserved, relaxing break. It was supposed to be an accumulated reward from surviving those awkward freshmen months, the cringing sophomore dorm parties, and finally the off-campus adult-like duties. Senior year was supposed to be a beacon of light; it was supposed to be me setting the world aflame. I had put in the training, the grueling nights of Rubinoff, and the tailgates of warm beers. I did my time.

However, I’m finding out that the “Senior Slide” doesn’t exist. Instead, I’m dubbing it the “Senior Marathon.” Marathon drinking is not only on Marathon Monday this year. It’s the last push. This last leg of the trip doesn’t allow for any slacking. So far, it’s really only allowed for the original phrase of, “YOLO,” or my personal favorite, “Your liver can only fail once.”

The “Senior Marathon” training days are as follows: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Repeat. Fair warning, your liver’s limits will be tested; they’ll be pushed, and recreated.

I write to inspire any senior that feels they can’t carry on with this “senior lifestyle.” And if anything can help inspire people, it’s the movie “Miracle.”

Tell yourself while looking intently in the mirror on a Tuesday/Thursday evening:

“You think you can win on weekend drinking alone? Ladies and gentlemen, there aren’t enough weekends to win on weekend drinking alone. When you pull on that Super Fan shirt, you represent yourself and your Senior Class. The name on the front is a hell of a lot less important than the ambiguous saying on the back. Get that through your head. And get your butt to that absurd line at Mary Ann’s.

Tell roommates and friends when morale is low:

“If we went out 10 days in a row, you might be hungover 9. But not this time. Not tonight. Tonight we flip cup with them, we stay with them, and we shut the bars down because we can. Tonight we are the greatest seniors in the world.”

And finally, I leave you with this daily mantra:

“You were born to be a Boston College senior. You were meant to be here. Great moments are born from great blackouts, and that’s what you have here this year. That’s what you’ve earned here. Now, go out there and rally!”

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Born and raised in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, Kelly is a Senior at Boston College studying Communications and Marketing. She loves the fashion and beauty industries. She's had lots of experience with women and their tastes, given her all-girls high school background. At BC, she's involved in Strong Women Strong Girls, Student Admissions Program, and is an account management intern for Hill Holliday . When she catches a break, Kelly spends an obscene amount of time on Buzzfeed, rewatching Breaking Bad on Netflix, and attempting to workout.
Blake is a senior at Boston College and is pursuing Biology and Pre-Med, as well as the perfect slice of pizza. She is so excited to be a co-Campus Correspondent along with Emily this year! As well as being a writer for Her Campus BC, she is also a member of the Girls Club Lacrosse team, the Public Health Club, and is a physics tutor on campus.