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The 12 Best Things About Living in a Sorority House

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

There are many stereotypes to what goes down in a sorority house on a day-to-day basis. Some people may expect pillow fights, or girls walking around with face masks on, or Beyoncé being played at all hours of the day. These ideas may all be true, but there are many other things that make living in a sorority house an amazing experience.

1. You gain 50+ more closets.

If you have, or currently live in a sorority house, you’ll realize that the term “what’s mine is yours” comes to life. Borrowing clothes, shoes, straighteners, perfume and anything you can really imagine becomes a house-wide thing.

2. You’ll always have someone to watch your favorite TV show with.

Out of all the girls that live in a house, you’re bound to find someone who watches the same show as you. Whether you’re crying over your favorite guy not getting a rose on The Bachelorette, or freaking out about how badass Olivia Pope is on Scandal, watching your favorite shows with your sisters makes it that much better. 

3. You’ll occasionally get your laundry folded for you.

50 girls, 2 washing machines and 2 dryers does not mix well. If you’re late on taking your laundry out of the dryer for the next person to start their load, there’s a chance that the girl waiting behind you will not only take it out for you but will also fold it for you. I think we can all agree that the worst part of doing laundry is the folding, so this is a huge plus.

4. You have multiple people that you can always go to for advice.

So the boy you’ve been talking to since last greek week decides to call it quits. Fortunately for you (and unfortunately for him) you have a whole house full of shoulders to cry on. There’s no question that joining a sorority in the first place automatically gives you so many more people that have your back, but being able to knock on anyone’s door at anytime to vent is one of the greatest parts about living in a sorority house.

5. You’ll always find somebody that is in the same class as you.

This makes studying for exams, practicing speeches and doing homework much easier. It also helps when missing a class so someone can give you the notes that you missed! (And write your name down on the attendance sheet, we’ve all done it.)

6. The food is phenomenal.

Most sorority houses on campus have a chef that cooks their breakfast, lunch and dinner. Having a chef is definitely a big step up from the dining hall food… You can eat basically anything you want, when you want.

7. You don’t have to go far for chapter meetings.

It’s really nice to only have to walk a few feet for chapter meetings. This is a major advantage especially in the winter when it’s freezing cold. We have all had the experience freshman year walking through the freezing cold while wearing heels to our houses, so living only a couple steps from your chapter room makes things much easier.

8. Crafting for your little becomes an everyone thing.

When big little season rolls around, the house automatically turns into an art studio. If you’re missing a paint color or forgot to buy Mod Podge, there is somebody that will lend you what you need within seconds. People are also constantly willing to help the less-crafty (AKA me) on their gifts, which is extremely helpful.

9. You live on campus and don’t have a morning commute.

A lot of upperclassmen decide to move off campus here at URI. While living in a sorority house, you still have a way to get out of the dorms but don’t have to deal with living far from campus. The morning commute to campus for class takes forever, so living in a sorority house makes the traffic avoidable.

10. Getting ready will never be the same (in the best way possible.)

Getting ready to go out in a sorority house is a major ordeal. Everybody blasts music while doing each other’s hair and makeup, and the sound of heels clunking throughout the house quickly becomes background noise. You also gain 50 new people to take pictures with anytime you look cute.

11. Laundry is free.

As we all know, it costs a small fee to use the washing machines and dryers in the dorms, but that “small fee” adds up quickly. Not having to pay for laundry is awesome and saves you a couple extra dollars every time you wash your clothes. After all, we are all broke college students and who wants to spend their money on laundry anyway? “Mom, I’m coming home this weekend with my laundry!”

12. You gain friendships that will last a lifetime.

I don’t think that I would be close with many of the people in my chapter that I am now if I didn’t live in my sorority house. These are the people that you see and spend time with every single day, therefore new friendships are always beginning.