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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.

That slight chill in the air means that autumn has arrived! This season is all about feeling comfy, looking fabulous and sipping on hot chocolate. I don’t know about you, but lighting some pumpkin apple scented candles while getting ready in the morning or for a night out, always puts me in the mood. When the evenings start getting longer and the weather gets chillier, you know it’s time to change up your makeup bag and introduce some of those autumn essentials!

1. Hoola It Up: Although summer said its goodbyes, and the tans are now fading, keep your skin looking glowy. A touch of bronzer won’t hurt!

2. Bold Look: Fall is all about the deep earthy tones and vampy vibes. So keep the eye makeup subtle and go for a beautiful bold lip.

3. Skip The Pop Of Colour: To go with the earthy tones, try a bronze eyeshadow or a dark nail polish to complement the fall colours instead of bright blues and pinks! Save those for the beachy days!

4. Lip Balm: With Fall comes dry and chapped lips! To keep them looking soft and kissable, always have a lip balm on hand.

Tazeen is a second year Criminology major at UWindsor. She enjoys sipping on coffee, sketching, and playing field hockey. Her free time consists of watching horror movies and playing the guitar. Some of her favourite music includes the 1957, Arctic Monkeys, J. Cole, and The Weeknd. She also has a passion for photography and hopes to someday travel and explore the world!