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20 Ways Life Would Be Different If You Never Met Your Best Friend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.

Having a best friend is a lot like being in a relationship. Your BFF is your other half, your go-to person for EVERYTHING. You trust them with your life. Ever wonder what life would be like without them? I know, so scary to think about. But seriously, what would life be like without our female counterparts?

1. Say goodbye to your binge-eating, Netflix-watching and wine night buddy.

Who else would put up with your weird food cravings and movie interests?


2. You wouldn’t have anyone to get a reliable, 100% honest opinion from. Only your best friend can tell you the truth about anything.


3. You would have to use actual words 24/7 instead of using the BFF language full of various noises and references you have developed overtime throughout your friendship.

You’ve even mastered the silent, eye contact communication skill.


4. You wouldn’t have someone you could say anything to without risking judgment. Idiotic statements and weird questions are all a part of normal conversations with your BFF.


5. If it weren’t for your bestie, your closet would be empty. You’ve borrowed so much from her over the years, you can’t even keep track of what’s yours anymore. You can’t risk losing access to her wardrobe.

6. Without her, who will save you from that creepy guy at the club? Looks like you’ll be dancing with loner guy who keeps making eye contact and gradually moving closer…

7. You would have no one to share her words of wisdom with you. Remember that time she talked you out of ordering Chipotle before a date? Yeah, thank her for that.


8. There would be no one to bicker like an old married couple with.

Even though you don’t always agree on everything, you value those bickering moments just as much as all the other times with your BFF. They keep things interesting and anyone who witnesses them can’t help but laugh.

9. Who will be your trustworthy Instagram liker/commenter/full on social media counselor? Your bestie is essentially your own personal public relations specialist: “Don’t include an emoji with that caption. It’s too basic.” She is an asset to your social life.

10. You wouldn’t have someone who knows exactly what to say at exactly the right time.

11. You would feel like a part of you was missing. Your best friend is your other half because they are like another version of yourself. 

12. Your BFF is the one person who will listen to every detail of your wedding plans without judging. Yes, you devoted a Pinterest board to your future wedding, but your BFF is okay with that.


13. Your pictures would never be Insta-worthy because it seems like everyone else in the world has the same good side as you. From Snapchat to an Instagram photo shoot, your BFF is your best accessory.


14. You will miss having someone to vent to about that girl down the hall you hate (who your bestie hates just as much, obviously). 

15. You wouldn’t have the weirdest and funniest compilations of different memories with someone. You definitely don’t always make the smartest decisions when together, but they always make for a great story to say the least.

16. There would be no one to lecture you on your life decisions. Your best friend is your voice of guidance. You would have no morals if it weren’t for her. Her usual speech before a night out:

17. You would not have someone to annoy and love 24/7. Sometimes you just really feel like snuggling your bestie when she isn’t in the mood, but you do it anyways because you love them (and you know she loves you just as much).

18. Who else would have your back in any given argument with someone (even if you’re wrong)?


19. From a job promotion to getting an amazing deal on those shoes you’ve been obsessing over, your BFF is the first person you want to share the news with. She is always the most excited for you in any given situation.


20. Most importantly, your BFF has seen you at your worst and at your best, and she still loves you to pieces. She knows all of your strange habits, unmentionable hookups and embarrassing stories. Where would you be without her?


Whether you made out with a hot dog or whatever it was that one time, your BFF doesn’t care one bit. Who else could you say that about? Share this with your best friend to let her know you’re so happy she is a part of your life (and that you would kind of be a hot mess without her). 

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Brittany Eger

Sacred Heart

The official contributor profile for the Her Campus chapter at Sacred Heart.