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The Back to School Survival Kit, as told by The Hunger Games

This is a sponsored feature. All opinions are 100% from Her Campus.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter Cornwall chapter.

Going back to University after a long summer break can be somewhat traumatic. 

Suddenly, we have significantly fewer opportunities to lie in, our essay deadlines are creeping up behind us, and we actually have to do our own laundry and cook our own meals. All the while, Fresher’s Flu lurks around the student body, infecting hundreds, if not thousands of us every year. It’s a battlezone, but if there’s anyone who can teach us about fighting for survival, it’s Katniss from The Hunger Games trilogy. Using our Her Campus Back-To-School Survival Kit, we’re turning to Katniss this Autumn to teach us how to stay on top of things and fight off the stresses that are getting us down.

Find a food source.

When you’re under a lot of stress, a good meal can be nothing short of life saving. That being said, sometimes it’s difficult to make some decent, cheap food fast: who has time to stand around waiting for something to cook in the oven when there are dictatorial regimes that need to be taken down? If you’re lucky enough to be near a Chipotle, they can do it for you. A burrito is the delicious, foil wrapped answer to all of our stress induced prayers. Unfortunately for us here in Falmouth, we’d need to get the five hour train to London before we could get our hands on one, which we’re majorly unhappy about. #BringChipotleToCornwall anyone?

Stay hydrated.

Whether you’re fighting for your life under a dystopic fascist regime or simply tackling a mammoth essay, keeping your body happy is always important. Water is always the first thing Katniss tracks down when she’s in the arenas, because she knows that it’s an absolute priority. Staying hydrated is essential in order to stay energised and fend off tiredness so you can be on your guard and stay alert, so keep knocking back that water. But hydration is important for your skin too. Keep a handy stick of cocoa butter in your bag, like Palmer’s Swivel Stick, so you can fight off any dry skin or chapped lip situations as soon as they appear.

Keep the colds at bay.

Fresher’s Flu is a plague that can, and will, take you down at a moment’s notice. In The Hunger Games, a nasty infection costs Peeta his leg, and almost his life. You can’t accomplish anything when you’re ill, except maybe Netflix marathons and lots of crying, which can be detrimental to your degree, your social life, and your fight against the corrupt government. You can nip the cold in the bud, however, if you keep some medication close at hand. Cold-Eeze is a great, all natural way to stay healthy and keep the stuffy noses and headaches at bay while you conquer the world. Go get ’em.

Gather your supplies and you’ll be prepared for anything.

In The Hunger Games, the game begins with the blood bath at the Cornucopia, where all the contestants fight it out literally to the death for supplies and weapons, which can mean the difference between staying alive and dying. Similarly at university, it’s always a good idea to stock up ahead of time so you never have to face the awful reality of not having something when you need it: particularly when it comes to that time of the month. However, if you invest in a Diva Cup, you’ll never have to worry about running out of pads or tampons again: they’re reusable, they’ll save you money AND they save the environment, plus they come with a cute little travel bag and will provide you with up to 12 hours of leak free protection. Pretty darn fabulous.

Keep your eyes on the prize.

In order to beat the powers that be, you’ve got to stay energised and focused. Katniss never had a handy coffee machine in the arenas with her, and it’s not always practical to be carting around a steaming mug of hot liquid, so sometimes we need to get our caffeine from a more portable source. 5-Hour Energy shots are your friend in this instance: all the caffeine to get you through your day, and none of the brewing time. Huzzah!

Never underestimate the power of make-up.

If there’s one lesson that The Hunger Games trilogy has taught us, it’s that presentation is power. The attitude that the Capitol citizens have towards make-up is definitely warped, but Katniss understands that makeup can be used as war paint. In fact, Peeta uses his artistic skills to use mud as make-up and disguises himself as a rock while in the arena. While our eyeshadow probably won’t be starting any revolutions or saving lives, that doesn’t mean we can’t be adventurous with our makeup. NYC’s waterproof eyeshadow stick is a great way to make a statement, and it’ll stay on your face even through apocalyptic explosions or your tears of pain as you slog through this week’s required reading.

And glitter. Always glitter.

Effie knows it, and so do we. A little glitter never hurt anybody, and will certainly cheer up even the most hardened war heroes/ essay writers among us. Martha Stewart’s glitter paints and glitter glue are great ways to make your notes look sparkly this term, and might make that all-nighter in the library slightly more bearable. 

We’re sending so much thanks to our amazing sponsers and the Her Campus team for our wonderful Survival Kit! We will definitely be making the most of it this term!

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Amy Beaumont

Exeter Cornwall

I'm an English Literature and History student, a big fan of cats, and Campus Coordinator for Her Campus Exeter Cornwall.