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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

It’s definitely Fall, but it doesn’t feel like it.  It really feels like there is someone playing with an outside thermostat and everyday they pick a different temperature. So one day your like, “Ok, its cold I’ll wear boots tomorrow”. Then tomorrow comes and it’s hot all of a sudden! This crazy weather can affect our bodies and leave some of us with a cold. Here are a few tips to avoid getting sick through this weather change.

1.Drink lots of water– Water is needed for your body to function. But more specifically water is good for your kidneys. And kidneys help removed waste and toxins out our bodies.

2.Take vitamins- Just in case you aren’t getting the vitamins from the food you’re eating. The vitamins you take will give your immune system the tools it needs to fight off germs. If you don’t like take pill shaped vitmins, try gummies or a drink mix.

3.Carry a light jacket- One minute it can be 80 degrees and then drop down to 60. Or during the day it hot and at night it’s cold. With a jacket you’ll be prepared for whatever.



4.Get some rest-Same as the water your body needs basic functions in order for your body to preform properly. Give your body time to recovery from a busy day, and have all of the energy to fight a pisssible cold.

5. Wash your hands!– And not just when you leave the bathroom. Think of all of the door handles you’ve touched and a bunch of other people touched. Wash your hands throughout the day to get rid of those germs.



Her Campus at Valdosta State.