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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCAT chapter.

Ways to ease the banging headache after a banging weekend!

It’s that time of year again! If you’re not in college, you probably think I’m talking about a birthday or a holiday, but I’m talking about Homecoming season!

Every year, thousands of people gather to watch a great football game, attend an even greater concert, tailgate, and simply party for a week straight like there’s no tomorrow. Of course with these ever-so-exhilarating activities there’s a bottle involved…a bottle of alcohol. Only if you’re 21 and over of course.

If you want to avoid the headaches, nausea and regrets, you can avoid alcohol altogether—and, possibly, opt to be the DD to ensure your friends’ safety. If that’s not the route you’d like to take (get it?), here are some tips on how to ease the headaches and misery that can follow this epic weekend or the entire week.

1. Sleep it off. 

We often hear that, in most cases, our bodies can heal themselves; in this scenario, it will do just that (for the most part). If partying leaves you worn out and not wanting to leave your bed, that’s perfect! Often times, a nice, long day of sleeping will allow your body the time and rest it needs to replenish itself in time to get back to classes.

2. Drinks Lots of Water. 

When the brain is dehydrated it causes your brain to tense up and create a pressure/headache sensation. To combat this, you should definitely replenish your brain with the water it’s lacking and take in plenty of H2O.

3. Drink Ginger Tea.

That’s right! Drinkable ginger doesn’t just come in the form of ginger ale. While the works of this tea is similar to drinking ginger ale when your stomach is upset, tea is always a more efficient way to consume antioxidants as opposed to a soda. Drinking this tea warm will help ease your upset stomach and nausea.

4. Avoid Sodas While Drinking.

Research is currently being done on how sodas and drinks with carbonation can increase the effects of alcohol. Cecile Marczinski did research on the effect of alcohol consumption with soda and found that drinks mixed with diet soda can get you drunk faster than drinks mixed with regular soda. The topic is still up for debate as of now, but what the heck, anything to ease the sorrow of tomorrow right? *Kanye shrug*

5. Pile Up The Potassium.

According to Healthwise, eating foods like spinach and bananas, which are high in potassium, can help your body restore electrolytes which will in turn restore your energy and help you feel a little less drained.

6. Get Some Fresh Air.

I know I said staying in bed can help your body recover from a heavy night out, but it might also be in your favor to step outside your house, residence hall, apartment, what have you, and get some fresh air!

Now that you’ve read these tips you should feel prepared to face whatever hangover is headed your way. When homecoming finally hits campus or you and your friends hit up parties, keep this advice in mind so you can avoid the dreadful side effects of a next-day hangover!


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