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President Kimberly Cassidy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryn Mawr chapter.

Name: Kimberly Cassidy

Position: Bryn Mawr College President

Bryn Mawr College is an amazing place to study and live. But things wouldn’t run so smoothly if it weren’t for our college president – Kim Cassidy (or more affectionately known as K Cass). She is so involved in our school and really wants the best for each and every student. So what better person to highlight as a celebrity than the woman who is helping us find our own stardom?

Photo Provided By: Kimberly Cassidy 

What did you do previous to your undergraduate college career to set yourself on the path toward your goals? I was not a very rebellious kid! I worked hard in high school and tried to experience responsibility: I coached a swim team, managed a pool, and captained my sports teams.

If asked “Where do you see yourself in 10 years” when you were an undergraduate student, what would your answer have been? How has your vision changed since? I never, ever imagined that I would be a college president. I thought that I would be a pediatrician. I wanted to be married, but I was not sure that I would have children, as I definitely wanted a career.

What changed? I tried to pay attention to what I thought I would like to do, not what sounded like a good choice to others. I started pursuing my passions. But I didn’t look much beyond each next step. I chose to do a PhD instead of medicine because I wanted to work more with people on a day-to-day basis (teaching), and I loved studying psychology. I chose Bryn Mawr because I wanted to be at a place where research and teaching mattered. I agreed to go into administration because I liked thinking about the whole institution. I am also so glad that my husband Bart and I chose to have a family.  My husband and kids are the most important thing in my life and a source of endless happiness and fun.

If you could go back and give your undergraduate self one piece of advice, what would it be? Take even more time to be with friends! And maybe take a course in History of Art.

What drew you to Bryn Mawr College? I wanted to be at a small liberal arts college because I believe that this is the best environment for undergraduate education. I like the values of Bryn Mawr, and its sense of community and I loved that Bryn Mawr was a women’s college.

You used to teach Psychology at Bryn Mawr. With high ratings and comments like “The greatest professor i have ever had!!!!!!!!” and “Her class is among my most favorite!” on ratemyprofessors.com, it is obvious students really enjoyed having you as a BMC teacher. How did you create that positive environment for our students? Do you miss teaching? I still teach one course per year. I still love it. Our students are the best part of our campus, and teaching is the best part of my job.  I hope that I create a positive environment — by loving what I do and loving what I teach.  I think students can sense that passion.  I also care about students and their learning and try to improve the course each year.

What is your favorite thing about Bryn Mawr College? The amazing students!  Our students are intellectually curious and passionate about their learning.  They care about our community and making the world a better place.  It is wonderful to be with so many talented, purposeful, and accomplished people.

Bryn Mawr, PA is such a great location! We have so many things to do that are not so far away. Where is the best place for Bryn Mawr students to visit off campus? I love to go to Philly for cultural experiences like museums and for all different kinds of food. For biking, I like The Schuylkill River Trail. For kayaking, Marsh Creek State Park. For apple picking, Linvilla Orchards. And for amazing gardens, Longwood Gardens.

This week we have been getting a little taste of the cold weather that is to come! With students from all types of climates/backgrounds, what is your survival tip for the upcoming winter season, especially if we have a repeat of last year? Dress in layers! Get good socks and gloves. And play in the snow. I love cross country skiing, but sledding behind Rhoads Hall is fun, too!

Sierra is a sophomore at Bryn Mawr College where she is studying Pre-Medical / Psychology, with plans to become a pediatric psychiatrist. She is the Campus Correspondent (President) of Her Campus Bryn Mawr. Sierra is an active member of the Bryn Mawr College's Belmont Mentoring Club and visits Belmont Charter School once a week to mentor young students. She has always been passionate about helping others and has worked on state and national levels regarding issues from childhood hunger to educational rights. In the 5th grade, she created the PB&J Week food drive to collect peanut butter and jelly for hungry children and has since collected over 16,500 jars, all of which has been donated to local food banks. PB&J Week has been awarded a Sodexo Foundation Grant and Disney Friends For Change Grant. Sierra also created Snotty is Naughty, a workshop used to educate girls on the negative effects of girl-to-girl meanness. Because of her work with Snotty is Naughty, she was selected by Youth Service America and the Festival of Children’s Foundation to represent Idaho as our National Child Awareness Month Ambassador and received a grant to create a documentary. Sierra was 1st runner up and the scholastic award recipient at Miss Idaho Teen USA 2015 and 1st runner up and the overall talent and scholastic award recipient at Miss Idaho’s Outstanding Teen 2014, and recently placed 4th runner up at Miss Idaho USA 2017. She also enjoys modeling, acting, music, and traveling. Follow her on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram!