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11 Phases All Freshmen Go Through Heading Home For Thanksgiving

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

Whether it’s been three months or three weeks since you’ve last been home, there’s no doubt that Thanksgiving is a time all freshmen look forward to. It’s most likely the first time all your friends will be back together again, and it’s also a nice time to relax at home before the daunting finals week. Here are 11 phases all freshmen will go through in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving break:


1. Debating whether or not it’s okay to fly home early and miss your Tuesday classes…and maybe even Monday too? It’s been a really, really long time since you’ve been home…


2. Spending hours trying to figure out how to get home or to the airport when neither you nor any of your friends have a car. And without having to spend almost as much as an actual plane ticket on an Uber. Maybe you could ask that one junior you met that one night at a party three weeks ago for a ride…?


3. Blowing up your group text with your high school friends about how excited you are to finally be back together causing trouble again.


4. Fantasizing about what it will be like showering without shoes…and with no mysterious hairballs clogging the drain or unidentifiable stains on the shower curtains.


5. Dreaming about the wonderful sleep you’ll get in your own bed and in your own room (no offense to your roommate) without having to wake up for 8 AMs.


6. Counting down the days until you can finally see your pets again and brainstorming how you could possibly sneak them back to campus with you. Your RA won’t mind you having your dog living in the dorm with you, right?


7. Drooling at the thought of being able to drive your car for the first time in three months and not even considering the fact that your driving skills could be a little rusty.


8. For Northerners, realizing that, in your hometown, 65 degrees in November doesn’t exist…that means bracing yourself for the potential blizzard that could be awaiting you back home.


9. Stalking people from high school to see if they’ve gained the dreaded Freshman 15…then consulting your friends to make sure you haven’t, too.


10. Counting down the meals until you get to eat food that won’t leave you questioning where or how it originated. And a full week (almost!) of home cooked meals, your favorite local restaurants, and, of course, Thanksgiving dinner. It doesn’t get much better than that!


11. And finally, finally getting to recover from the shocking first three months of Work Forest (Fall break doesn’t count).


*Cover image from celebrate.festivalfoods.net